Friday, April 9, 2010

our shop

Hi, here are some photo's of our shop window, a vintage vignette. We will be letting our shop go early in October, I love our shop but sometimes you have to weight things up and make decisions if this is the best way to go financially or if there is a better way. We have decided that we can do better without that financial outlay and put our time and effort into a different direction. We will still operate the business but from home, with our online shop and hire floor space for classes and workshops, this will leave us the freedom of time to follow other avenues, mine will be to travel around this great big state, teaching and demonstrating the products we love. We will also do the fairs etc. And I have a really interesting project for next year, you will have to wait to hear about this one. Following are photo's of the shop window and in the shop.

Enjoy your weekend


Judy said...

Wow the shop front looks wonderful.

lilylovekin said...

Your shop looks gorgeous, I love that dress in it.

Gypsy Purple said...

I totally love what you have here!!!