Friday, October 18, 2013

Art journal for family reunion

I had wanted to take an art journal with me to record history of my family.  My great grandfather was Chinese and we are going to a family reunion of his descenants in Gisborne my home town. As usual I couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted to do.  I ended up with a bought journal that I have had for a few years and liked the paper and the size.  To save me time I prepared all the pages leaving room for notes and photo's that I will take over there.  This took me a couple of days solid, had stuff spread out every where as you can see in the photo's below.

 I edged the pages with old text paper and paper tapes, nothing to fancy
 Some pages I have entered detail I already have.  For each of his children I have allowed a few blank pages, depending on the size of the family

 I have entered some photo's that I have already found

Will share with you when I get back and hopefully have lots of information and photo's.  I would like to write a book with all the information I get, or maybe Kirsty might do that one day, it is something she said she would like to do one day.  Plenty of drama's and scandal mmmmh the plot thickens
catch you in a couple of weeks

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