Saturday, October 8, 2011

Book of Gatherings

I have finally finished my book or should I say box, a box in a book.  After Dwellingup I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do but just didn't have the time.  I am really pleased with how it turned out, thanks to Mandy Herring who taught me how to make the boxes I created a group of boxes on the cover with found objects i.e. Gatherings.  Seed pods, honky nut, smooth white stone, bottles with seeds and a piece of bark with lichen attached. See the little nest with a tiny feather Mandy Woodham made that for me.
I could have glued the spine to the edge of the box but I kinda liked to show it and it sits better when open

 This little old battered leather bag not sure what it was used for but it makes a nice pocket for this little journal on butterflies, letters from home and photo's of wife and child complete the picture
a little sketch book to draw plant life with a pencil attached to inside cover can you see the little silver medallion that is one of Nina's earrings Mandy W has the other.

I had to do some major changes to the inside, there was a ring binder attached to the spine that would have got in the way of my box so it had to come out.  Just as well the look I wanted was old and battered because that is how it ended up. All closed up with a little brass padlock from my sister Phillipa to finish it off.  Nina is a really good reached and always inspires you to go beyond rather than just copy what she has done.  Some will say but what are you going to do with it, they can't see the point in making something you love, I have it out on display where I can enjoy it.


Pretty Ragged Threads said...

I just found your blog, so glad I did. I love this book. So interesting.

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